Jean Paul Zibika, managing director
JP has much experience in planning and leading field research, and training surveyors. He has been a field coordinator for the World Bank, Columbia, NYU, Konstanz, Harvard, UC Berkeley, Wageningen, LSE, IRC, and Social Impact. JP holds a graduate degree in applied pedagogy, and is studying for a master in governance and ethics at Mount Kenya University. JP likes to play football and visiting church. He speaks French, Swahili, Mashi, English, and Lingala. JP is CITI certified. |
Eustache Kuliumbwa, field manager
Eustache has much experience leading teams in the field. He is currently a field coordinator for a project with the World Bank and NYU, conducting a field experiment and surveys in over 300 villages throughout Eastern Congo. He has worked with GIZ, Columbia, Wageningen, Colby, LSE, NYU, Antwerp, Louvain, IRC and GIGA. Locally, Eustache works closely with ISTM, OUB and UCB. Eustache likes to play football and visiting church. He speaks French, Swahili, Kinyarwanda, Kihavu, Mashi, and some English. |
Emmanuel Kandate, field manager
Emmanuel is interested in issues related to local development and peace building. He has led data collection teams throughout Eastern Congo since 2010. Emmanuel is also a teaching assistant at the ISTCE. Emmanuel holds a bachelor degree in international relations from the OUB, and is currently enrolled in a training course called "Expert in Local Development Engineering" at CIEDEL, France. When not at work, Emmanuel likes to play football and dance. He speaks French, Swahili, and some English. |
Peter van der Windt, founder and research director
Peter is an assistant professor at NYU - Abu Dhabi. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from Columbia University, and an M.Phil. cum laude in economics from Tilburg University. Peter has been working in Congo since 2009, conducting surveys, field experiment but also spending months in villages to observe individual behaviors. Peter likes to play piano, read books, and is bad at playing football. Peter speaks Dutch, English, French and German. Web. |